Page authors: Don Knoke, David Giblin
Trifolium fragiferum
strawberry clover

Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to the Great Plains, also in eastern North America.

Habitat: Roadsides, fields, lawns, wastelots and other disturbed places.

Flowers: April-July

Origin: Introduced from Europe

Growth Duration: Perennial

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Pollination: Bumblebees, bees, butterflies, flies


Pubescent perennial from rhizomes, the stems 5-30 cm. long, decumbent to creeping and rooting at the nodes.


Leaves trifoliate, leaflets obovate, 1-2.5 cm. long, serrulate, very shallowly notched; stipules 15-20 mm. long, narrow, the free portion acuminate.


Inflorescence of many-flowered, globose heads, 10-20 mm. in diameter, on long, naked peduncles; flowers pea-like, 4-6 mm. long, pink to purplish, subtended by narrow bracts, the basal bracts united to form a small involucre; calyx hairy, 5-toothed, nearly as long as the corolla, the tube gradually inflating greatly and becoming strongly net-veined, causing the head to resemble a mass of veined bladders.



Accepted Name:
Trifolium fragiferum L.
Publication: Sp. Pl. 2: 772. 1753.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Trifolium fragiferum L. ssp. bonannii (C. Presl) Soják
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Trifolium fragiferum in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Trifolium fragiferum checklist entry

OregonFlora: Trifolium fragiferum information

E-Flora BC: Trifolium fragiferum atlas page

CalPhotos: Trifolium fragiferum photos

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